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5 Items to Leave Off Your Baby Registry

With so many baby items on the market, figuring out what to get can require some careful consideration. Baby registries are great for helping family and friends choose gifts for your new baby - and for you to stock up on essentials without getting too many of the same items. At Pottery Barn Kids, we've put together a list of items not to put on your registry so that you can get the baby gear you’ll really need!



Baby Clothes

Shopping for baby clothes is one of the most exciting parts of preparing for your baby’s arrival. Everyone seems to agree, and before you know it, you'll end up with a mountain of baby clothes in newborn sizes. You don't have to register for baby clothes because you'll likely end up with lots. Additionally, babies grow so quickly that they'll outgrow many of the outfits before they even have a chance to wear them.



Pacifiers are a personal preference for your baby. Not all babies like pacifiers, and when they do, they can be particular about which ones they like. Many hospitals will send you home with a pacifier or two. Rather than registering for pacifiers and ending up with several that your baby doesn't like, try out a few different styles once you get home before stocking up.


Wipes Warmer

While a wipes warmer can make diaper changes more comfortable for your child, it gets the baby used to warm wipes and you won’t always be able to have a warmer on hand. Cold wipes won't hurt your baby, and they still serve their intended purpose. Warmers can also dry out the wipes, which will end up costing you more money in the long run.


Baby Bottles

Some babies don't take to bottles at all and prefer breastfeeding exclusively. Other babies have trouble with the flow rate on certain bottles, or they might swallow extra air due to the bottles' designs. Don't waste space on your registry with baby bottles. Instead, wait until your baby arrives, and then try out a few different bottles before investing in several that you know they like.


Baby Food Maker

Baby food makers are convenient, but you don’t need to decide right away if you want one since babies don't start eating solid food until around 4–6 months of age. If you're into making your own baby food, a blender or food processor works just as well.

Save room on the registry for baby bedding, strollers, diapers and other items that you really need by skipping the items listed above. Limiting some of these items will help save a bit of space around the house, too!