How to Clean Rain Boots

Do your kids love splashing around in their rubber boots? From rain puddles to snow to muddy parks and backyards, rain boots are some of the most well-used items your child will wear. But they’re also a great way for your child to learn about nature through play. At Pottery Barn Kids, we have a few tips on how to clean rain boots so they stay spiffy rain or shine. Rubber boots are nearly maintenance free. It’s easy to keep them in shape with a little cleaning and repairing know-how. It starts by dedicating a durable, absorbent mudroom rug or mat that you can put down to quickly catch the mess. What’s next?

Rain Boots

Cleaning Inside

Have your child always wear socks before slipping into rain boots. Though boots can be comfy and warm even without socks, wearing socks will cut down on the moisture your child’s feet leave behind.

Boot-cleaning is remarkably similar to toy-cleaning! The best way to disinfect and clean out the inside of rubber boots is to take a disinfectant wipe and rub it inside to remove dirt and odors (don’t forget the toes). A second way to clean the lining is to moisten a soft cloth with a cleaning mixture of vinegar and water. Next, scrub down the interior of each boot – the insides will dry quickly. The smell of vinegar quickly disappears so your child will never know a drop touched the boots. As a finishing touch, spritz a tiny bit of disinfectant spray into each boot. Let them air dry.

Your child may come home with sopping boots from time to time. Change them into a dry and cozy pair of slippers and a robe, then remove the boots’ insoles and let them air dry. Grab a pile of newspapers, crumple up some pages and insert the wads into each boot to quickly absorb the moisture. You may need to change the wads of newspaper a couple of times until the interiors of the boots are dry. While you wait for the boots to dry, try experimenting with some springtime rainy-day activities!

Cleaning Outside

Kids love to wear rain boots to tromp through muddy streams. They're a great beach hack if your kids feet need protection. How do you get caked-on mud, salt and sand off those boots without scratching the rubber or fading the colors? Avoid solvents when cleaning the boots. Instead, take the boots outside, wipe off as much of the gunk as you can with a dry cloth or soft bristle brush, then hose down the outside of each boot. Next, make a gentle cleaning solution with liquid dish detergent and water and wipe down the boots. After hosing the soles, dip an old toothbrush in cleaning solution and scrub out the treads. Good as new!

Cleaning Bloom

Pure rubber rain boots tend to create a milky dusting of white chalky powder, this is called “bloom.” It develops on the outsides of the boots and happens when certain conditions cause particles in the rubber to rise to the boot’s surface. It’s common in hot, humid weather. It’s also harmless and easy to clean.

There are two ways to clean bloom. Use a dampened rag dipped in dish detergent and wipe off the powder, then wipe dry. If that isn’t enough, put a tiny bit of olive oil on a clean cloth and buff the exterior of the boot to clean off the bloom.

Cleaning Scuffs

Let your kids learn how to clean rubber boots with the magic of an eraser. Grab a clean eraser off their desk to rub out the scuffs on their boots. Wipe away the eraser when done, and voila, goodbye scuffs! For a deeper scuff, buff it out with a bit of non-gel toothpaste. Rinse with water and buff the area dry for a scuff-free surface.

Fixing Cracks and Rips

Cracks, rips and holes turn waterproof rain boots into walking puddles. Head to a home improvement or sporting goods store and find some moldable glue that turns into flexing rubber when dry. There are other shoe adhesive and sealant products to try, too. On the rare occasion when the handles on the boots rip off, simply cut them all off for a uniform look.

Keeping Them in Shape

There’s nothing that ages rubber faster than heat. Keep dry rain boots in storage away from heat sources, including sunlight. Never fold rubber rain boots, keep them upright and, if possible, insert magazines or boot shapers to keep them upright.

When They’re Outgrown

If you’ve maintained your kids’ rubber rain boots, they’ll look amazingly new even when your children no longer fit them. Use these colorful boots as mementos to preserve childhood memories. You can even place a brick inside each and use them as door holders. Or create a splashy family gallery of memories featuring those boots as decor.

There’s nothing more precious than the memory of your children playing in puddles! Make it easier to enjoy those puddles with these easy boot-cleaning tips.